Tuesday, June 27, 2017

211 ㅡ ♕ No one is naturally boring.

Boredom is only for boring people with no imagination. — Tim Tharp

That means I shall not be bored with life since I believe we are all have our own story; fantasy and fairy tale with high imagination quality.

No one is boring, so we should not be bored.

Well, let the wild thoughts consume you to pull out the imagination within yourself that can truly save every oneself to kill times.

When doing some certain things, realize it or not, we are all being crazy almost 24/7 and I must say that it's okay to be wild and crazy.

All you have to do is pull yourself together and start wandering. Remember, wandering is not all about travelling, but it's also about understanding.

Understand yourself,

let the wild thoughts wandering around,

use your imagination to go deep,
and boredom, is nothing to worry about.

Monday, June 26, 2017

210 ㅡ ♕ Edelweiss seeds.

Words are like seeds. They have creative power. Isaiah says, "We will eat the fruit of our words." What seeds are you planting?

Me, I'll be making a garden full of Edelweiss cause I believe, with God, no other thing besides possibilities for us to live eternally in peace.

Sweet dreams, good night!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

209 ㅡ ♕ I'm working to be someone who could inspire others.

I'm working to be someone who could inspire others. I'm working till someone could actually tell me that I'm such an inspiring person.

But, when will I...

This has been my greatest struggle of all years, you know the feeling when you want to impress them but actually you just want to impress yourself. You've forgotten that you needed to appreciate what you've done, not just reacting what others think about you.

Sometimes, once in a while, I forgot what's the reason for me to exist cause I keep chasing someone's dream rather than pursuing mine.

I don't know if this is a bad thing or not, but I feel pain with no time to scream. I feel pain inside my heart that I cannot tell anyone about this. I feel lonely, I feel lost.

The fact that I feel like nothing cause I definitely forgot my own dream is making me feel weak everyday. I don't know where to start and when to end. I'm their puppet and I regret why I didn't turn down their offer to make me pursue their dream before it's too late.

But now all I can do is just accepting the world the way it is, and continue living. That's all. I only have to accept the fact.

The fact that; I have to live the world they wanted me to stay and be the one they wanted me to be.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

208 ㅡ ♕ Some things are better left unsaid.

Tidak pernah terlintas dalam pikiran bahwa diri akan kembali memanggil masa lalu untuk hadir ke dalam kehidupan. Sebuah pertanyaan mampu membuat kenyataan yang terpendam dalam kotak kenangan, terbuka dengan sendirinya. Tak ingin hati memanggil, tetapi tanpa sadar telah berusaha menarik suara. Tak ingin pikiran terbang ke angkasa, tetapi sayap telah siap membawa pergi diri untuk kembali ke masa-masa mendung. Tak ingin kembali pulang, namun sudah terlambat.

"Apa yang sebenarnya membuat kalian berpisah?"

Tertegun. Terdiam untuk beberapa saat. Luka lama kembali terbuka meskipun telah disembuhkan oleh waktu. Inginnya demikian. Namun, ternyata luka tersebut masih belum sembuh. Tak akan sembuh karena bibir belum berucap kata-kata mengenai alasan di balik keputusan yang diambil, dan kini, goresan tipis luka lama kembali membuat diri nyeri dan ingin menitikkan air mata. Tahan, tahan saja. Bisa, pasti bisa. Tepat sebelum bibir berucap, dering benda pipih berlayar sentuh menginterupsi. Terima kasih, Tuhan. Hati bergumam dalam diam kala sedang berbincang dengan seseorang melalui sambungan tak kasat mata, karena tak perlu langsung mengungkapkan isi hati yang telah terpendam jauh dan dalam. Aku, terselamatkan.

"Aku tidak tahu apa yang terjadi di antara kalian. Tetapi, setiap aku berbicara dengannya mengenai dirimu, dia seperti berapi-api."

Perih. Luka yang dulu sempat menjadi satu-satunya beban bagi hidup, ternyata masih saja menjadi sesuatu yang tak mampu dilupakan meski waktu berusaha menyembuhkan. Tidak menitikkan air mata rindu, hanya saja hati seperti mulai membendung air yang meluap ingin keluar. Tidak tahu kebenaran di balik sikap yang diambil saat menghadapi sebuah hubungan di masa lalu, tetapi satu yang dapat dipastikan memang terjadi, yaitu banyak hal yang tak mampu diungkapkan, banyak kejadian yang tak diperbolehkan untuk dikatakan, banyak perasaan yang membuat diri gundah, sehingga sebuah keputusan untuk berpisah menjadi satu-satunya titik terang menuju langkah yang lebih baik. Harapan memang demikian. Ingin menjadi lebih baik. Ingin hidup lebih bermakna. Terutama, berbakti. Namun, sampai detik ini, diri tak sama sekali bahagia meski raga tersenyum. Tubuh tak sama sekali bersemangat meski bibir berucap kata penyemangat. Senyum bukan lagi milik hati, melainkan milik raga yang dengan sendirinya berusaha menjadi matahari. Air tidak lagi milik mata, tetapi kini, milik kesepian, kerinduan, kepenatan, kepedihan dan kenyataan. Seperti tanpa tujuan, tak ada sesuatu yang ingin dilakukan. Kaku, bukan lagi seorang pemimpi. Tak lagi liar dalam tidur, kini kedua mata terbuka menatap kenyataan pahit hidup tanpa pegangan.

Maafkan diri yang tak siap berkata banyak ketika waktu memungkinkan untuk menjelaskan segala kenyataan yang dialami. Penakut, bukan pemberani yang rela mati demi seorang kekasih. Hidup hanya sekali, baru disadari kebenarannya. Hanya saja, semua sudah terlambat untuk disampaikan. Tak apa, bukan masalah. Tak sampai, bukan kewajiban untuk mendengarkan lagi. Namun, satu hal, terima kasih kuberikan bagimu yang berhasil membuatku bermimpi bahwa seorang pangeran itu ada bagi seseorang yang hidup dalam kebahagiaan palsu sepertiku. Meskipun sampai detik ini, aku masih tak mampu mengatakan kebenaran yang terjadi saat aku dan kamu bersatu dalam satu ikatan benang merah di masa lalu, terima kasih sudah membantuku menyadari bahwa aku belum sanggup untuk menghancurkan sangkar emas yang menjadi kediamanku. Entah kapan aku akan berhasil terbang bebas, mengejar harapan, tanpa kepalsuan. Tak paham, tak pernah kutemukan jawaban. Janjiku padamu, jika suatu hari nanti kutemukan jawaban itu dan kau masih bersedia mendengarkan, kupastikan kau mengerti alasan yang menjadi tameng bagi diriku untuk membenci dirimu... dan tentu, diriku sendiri. Kalau begitu, maafkan aku, terima kasih, dan sampai jumpa, kenangan.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

207 ㅡ ♕ We are all greedy.

We are all greedy.

We never see things we already had, and always bragging about getting something that we want. The gap between what you want and the reality. Sometimes, all we need to do is appreciating what we already had, appreciating life. Always trying hard to get what we want is a pain in the ass sometimes, so we'd better try seeing things with a new perspective of mind.
In every pain that we've gone through in this life, there's always a happy pill hidden inside, and it's our job to find and cherish it.

Good luck,

from me, to you & me.

Monday, June 12, 2017

206 ㅡ ♕ You've lost the moon while counting the stars.

You miss me cause you know you have lost the moon while counting the stars.

It doesn't matter to hold on things cause once in a while, you have to try learning something different from others and understand them. I thought we could turn our relationship into a friendship which I wanted you to be more comfortable around me, and stay true to yourself. But, it's fine, every endings lead you to a new beginning.

Stop recalling memories cause the past is just the past for a reason.

A reason for us to be more grateful with everything that happened, or will happen in life.

Count the sheep and good night!

Sunday, June 11, 2017

205 ㅡ ♕ Sorry, but no.

When working in groups, I am strict when it comes to responsibility, so well... I'm gonna spill something to chill out my anger.

Neglecting your works and putting the burden in someone's shoulder is A-Must-Not-Do-Thing when I Am the captain of this airship. But somehow, people just being a little unfair by forever staying in their comfort zone, and sacrificing others for their own greed. I hate the fact that I'm always being taken for granted, when I'm effortfully trying to be the nicest person in the world. Maybe, once in a while, we need to pull out the fence and start placing a wood panel which written, "Sorry, but no," on it.

Sorry, but no.

Friday, June 9, 2017

204 ㅡ ♕ Treat her like how you treat your mum.

If you think you know me, think twice.

Every girls need to remember this sentence even though just a little piece of it cause ya, men, watch out. I believe every girls deserve to be treated well, especially men need to be able to treat girls like how they treat their mums, so lovely, with love.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

203 ㅡ ♕ Those who wander aren't lost.

Sometimes, you have to spend at least five minutes thinking about yourself; encourage yourself, praise yourself and start wandering, because those who wander aren't actually the lost ones.

They are just trying to find what's good inside them and those who wander, are the ones who's willing to make a change and eventually, walk forward along with life which taught them to never look back.

Life must go on.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

202 ㅡ ♕ A hungry stomach, an empty pocket, and a broken heart.

A hungry stomach teaches me how to be able to appreciate every single grain of rice.
An empty pocket teaches me how to appreciate my father's sweat as he always fight for one goal, to support and favor my life, every single drop of his tears.
A broken heart makes me stronger than ever, teaches me how to appreciate myself even more.