Friday, September 19, 2014

16 ㅡ ♕ Stairs of Love

Hello! 안녕.....I've been away for days otl now here i am with absurd feelings. So lately i've been listening to old indonesian songs which were so good for me. It has nice melody and the most important thing is nice meaning. Some friends usually singing to old songs like a radio at school and that's why i search for the songs again and take a listen to it!

#nowplaying: A Love Like This

I realized that your love is not true. At last, we should choose cause we cannot go on with a love like this. Go back to her, that's okay. Let me back off so you can live better. I'll take it for myself. 

#nowplaying: Complete

The more i deny you, the more i know how important you are in my life. Honestly, my lips can say "i can" but my heart says, "no". The heartache which i feel inside me is not because of her, but cause you choose the wrong love. My heart keeps saying "no, i cannot survive anymore". I admit that it's all a lie about letting you choose her instead of me. I never ever gonna let you choose her cause i know i'm the only one who can make your heart......complete. 

#nowplaying: The Best For You

Now, I realized everything that it was always my fault all the time. I don't want to regret anything so, "Sorry, if i always make you mad and hate me. I do that all just to make you happy. Maybe i just cannot express my feelings, i just wanna be the best for you.....your best girl."

#nowplaying: Irreplaceable

Even if the time comes and gone by itself until you cannot hold anymore. Everything cannot change me cause i only have you in my heart. You are the one who can makes me fall in love. You're not only beautiful but irreplaceable.

#nowplaying: Language of The Heart

You're the one who i can see the light in your eyes. You have such a big heart. I listen to your language of heart in your smile. It has a nice melody. Now, all i can say is you're always in my heart and i will always be with you through your days. Believe me, it's only me who understands your feelings. Love, trust me it's always me who understands you. Believe in me...

Last word, 
Thanks and maybe good bye? 
I don't know but it hurts me indeed.
I'm not lying. I'm crying.
I maybe seem so fine with everything cause at that moment,
the one inside of me is crying. 
I'm sorry for everything. 
Thanks for everything.

Forget me, not.....


Have a good day, lovelies♥